Safety & Environment
Our Commitment
Health & Safety has always been an integral aspect of our business arrangements however there has been a considerable step change in how our Clients manage their responsibilities which in turn requires us to review our systems pro-actively at all times. Co-ordination – We have generated an action plan in order, to facilitate a systematic review & revision of our Safety Management procedures with the Directors taking an active part in its preparation & delivery.
We have generated an action plan in order, to facilitate a systematic review & revision of our Safety Management procedures with the Directors taking an active part in its preparation & delivery.
Training plans have been established through our Construction Industry Training Board association to show on-going and demonstrable competence at all levels of our business, as required by the Industry.
Competent Advice
Working with our H&S Consultants, AKS Ltd, allows us to work collaboratively on technical support, training resource & on-site advisory assistance as required by the management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations.
Health Protection
Due to the nature of works it is imperative that we are aware of and understand the Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH). As part of this we are actively investigating the occupational health effects for our staff & 3rd parties with a specialist advisor for COSHH related Health Attention.
Fireshield work with a variety of client’s, and we continue to ensure that our systems are robust & procedurally correct using the HS(G) 65 Successful Health & Safety Management model as advocated by the HSE.
This is our public profile for Health & safety and is supported by the Directors. Fire Shield welcomes queries relating to the progress being made or whether particular aspects are being addressed. We have an excellent Health & Safety record and have the responsibility to ensure that the Health & safety of all persons affected by or involved with our work is assured.
For more information please read our HSE&Q Procedures Document